Takes a look at fibre characteristics – what the fibres look like, how they behave, how they are spun and then woven can increase or decrease their characteristics. Understanding our materials will help us make better choices.
A look at ergonomics and how to protect our bodies from the harm of repetitive motions. Learning how to work more ergonomically results in greater efficiency. Laura takes a look at what efficiency means for her and how others might find her approach helpful.
Looms come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and mechanical assistance. This presentation will explain the mechanics of the three ‘main’ types of foot powered loom and discuss how different looms have different advantages and disadvantages. A loom is a tool and sometimes it may need some modification in order to work the way the weavers needs it to work.
The issue of tension rises in many stages in the weaving process. Laura will talk about what ‘good’tension is and ways to determine if the process might be made ‘better’ by adjusting how much tension one uses. A thread under tension is a thread under control, but it has to be the ‘right’ amount of tension – the Goldilocks Zone.
There are multiple variables in the weaving process. Change one thing and something else will be affected. Learning how all these processes interact with each other – why density affects absorbency, for example – will help the weaver make good choices in the designing of their cloth.
Reverse engineering. Deciding what quality of cloth is desired, then working ‘backwards’ to choose amongst the variable to create specific qualities of cloth. Drawing on the information from The Full Spectrum, this presentation looks at how to apply those variables to create a cloth with specific qualities
Basic working with colour in weaving suggestions with lots of examples shown.
Looking at weaving drafts including profile drafts and an overview of some of the various ways a draft can be written.
An explanation of how twill progressions work an dhow to manipulate them to create ‘fancy’ twills, evenon four shafts.
A comparison of the three main lace weave structures – huck, Swedish and Bronson.
What is wet finishing and how do you do it? The ‘final’ step in create whole cloth from individual threads is the wet finishing. Laura will explain how to full wool and apply compression and why these processes are so important to the making of cloth.